We all want to prevent those pesky little wrinkles from showing up any sooner than they have to. In this article we list a few foods that will help in your anti-aging quest. Take a look…
One serving of this superfood and our bodies get a boost of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that cause wrinkles. Throw them over a salad, blend them in a smoothie or just eat them by themselves and your body will be saying THANK YOU!
This high protein food, promotes healthy hair by thickening the fiber cells, making them stronger. Plus, your nails and skin will be loving the protein boost just as much.
Dark Chocolate
Sorry, this doesn’t mean the milk chocolate we find in our favorite candy bars, but that deep rich ingredient we find in Natural Dark Chocolate. Eating this food will also curb that sweet tooth by filling us with healthy rich flavonoids. Enjoy!
These beauties are rich in monounsaturated fats and contain biotin for healthy skin. So start getting out those chips and making a mean batch of guacamole. Yum!
Want to reduce your LDL cholesterol?― (I’m talking about the bad kind) Eating this food provides high soluble fiber, making breakfast a bonding moment between you and your thankful heart.
To find out more on this subject or other foods that help in the anti-wrinkle campaign, click on this link: http://www.doctoroz.com/slideshow/anti-aging-foods-gallery